Use of Inbiomotion’s MAFTEST® leads to huge reduction in breast cancer mortality
Inbiomotion, a Barcelona based company developing a unique single-gene-based biomarker for the personalized adjuvant treatment of early-stage breast cancer patients, recently presented analyses of Phase 3 data from landmark trials.
The company’s CE marked MAFTEST® was used to detect MAF expression in early-stage breast cancer patients to determine whether they should receive adjuvant bisphosphate therapy. The results highlighted a reduction in death by 26% and 23% at five and 10 years respectively, compared to a 12% and 15% reduction in the risk of death or relapse seen with patient stratification by menopausal status – as recommended by current ESMO and ASCO Clinical Guidelines. To date, only post-menopausal women are eligible to receive this treatment.
The new MAFTEST® has shown that menopause is not the defining factor, opening up the potential for a new population of early-stage breast cancer patients to benefit from this therapy regardless of menopause status. The company estimates that 15,000 lives could be saved annually in Europe and US. Potentially guideline and paradigm-changing, Inbiomotion’s test could have the biggest impact on breast cancer clinical practice since the HER2 revolution twenty years ago.