The 21st BioEquity Europe: Digital

Optimum is a proud sponsor of Europe’s premier international showcase for financial dealmakers and biopharma executives to meet rising biotechs. BioEquity Europe this year to be delivered digitally.

Europe’s Next Act

European innovators helped pave the way for the world’s first COVID-19 vaccines. What’s coming next from Europe’s academic and biotech leaders?

  • What are the weathervane companies that point to where European innovation is headed?
  • What partnering deals are making the European highlight reel?
  • What innovations are investors finding and funding in Europe?
  • Can the U.K.’s split from the EU foster new opportunities for each side?

Join your colleagues for the 21st Bio€quity Europe as industry leaders debate these questions and identify where Europe will continue to provide global leadership in biopharma innovation.

Registration includes:

  • Three days of strategic panels focused on Europe’s Next Act
  • 90+ Presentations from European and Asian biotechs handpicked by BioCentury
  • 1×1 virtual partnering using EBD’s PartneringOne System
  • European biotech executive report from Insights Partner, McKinsey & Co.
  • Opportunities for digital networking
  • Access to BioCentury business intelligence on European biotech and BioCentury BCIQ database to help you prepare for 1×1 virtual meetings with Presenting Companies and other attendees

The Optimum team will be present and look forward to connecting with you.