Founder of Optimum Mary Clark to speak at SME Series Workshop on ‘Funding your Private Company’
First Workshop | Funding your Private Company
The BSCC is delighted to present to you a new series of events for entrepreneurs, management teams, board members and advisers to SMEs, which is the result of a collaboration between the BSCC Central Switzerland and Zurich chapters.
The SME Series consists of 8 complementary workshops, covering the practical aspects of funding, IP protection, talent management, client relationships, building brands and shareholder exit strategies. Four workshops will be held in Central Switzerland and the other four in Zurich, mostly during the course of 2019. Click here to find out which topics will be covered next year.
“Funding your private company”, our first workshop, looks at some of the options and challenges private companies face along the way, from seed to growth/expansion*, in terms of identifying, attracting and retaining equity investors.
The evening will be structured as an open and honest dialogue between 3 speakers (with relevant advisory and in-house experience) and the audience, covering topics such as:
Where to start looking for investment
Using intermediaries vs going direct
Understanding who’s who and investor expectations
Judging investor fit; selecting who to accept funds from
Communicating with investors before and after investment
Being on the radar screen of investors, beyond roadshows and fundraising rounds
Potential consequences of “cutting corners”
Available investor and funding platforms, in Switzerland and abroad
*later stages will be discussed during future workshops
To submit questions and/or concrete situations in advance, please email Leti McManus.
Mary Clark | Founder of Optimum Strategic Communications in London
Martin de Groot | Former CFO of Xeltis
Speaker & Moderator:
Leti McManus | Founder Tiger Link Advisors & BSCC Zurich Chapter Committee Member
Special guest:
Axel Kalinowski | Head of Central and Eastern Europe, London Stock Exchange
Tuesday 27th November 2018
17.00 – 20.00
Crypto Valley Labs
Dammstrasse 16 | 6300 Zug
17.00 | Registration
17.25 | Brief presentation of the SME Series
17.30 | Workshop
19:00 | Apero & Networking
20:00 | End